Selling PTs

How to exit fixed-yield positions on the Swivel Exchange.

Balance Selection:

In order to sell your PTs, select a PT from the balances dropdown.

Market Orders:

In order to immediately sell your PTs for best price available, place a market-order for the amount of PTs you would like to sell.

  1. Enter the amount of ptDAI you would like to sell.

  2. Review the order's details.

  3. Place the order, confirming in your web3 wallet when prompted.

Limit Orders:

In order to place an order to sell your PTs at a specific price, select limit order and then input your desired price and the amount of PTs you would like to sell.

Importantly, limit orders can be placed for free, without an on-chain transaction.

  1. Toggle a Limit-Order.

  2. Enter the amount of ptDAI you would like to sell.

  3. Enter the price you want to sell ptDAI for. (DAI received per ptDAI sold)

  4. Review the order's details.

  5. Place the order, signing the order in your web3 wallet when prompted.

Last updated